Wanna go for a drive?
I saw it written and I saw it say (?)
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
Its a pink moon
Its a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
Quote from Wikipedia: In 2000, Volkswagen featured the title track from Pink Moon in a television advertisement, and within one month Drake had sold more records than he had in the previous thirty years.
Note that "Drake" hadn't actually sold them himself, personally, as he was long dead.
Dead dead dead dead Drake.
Nick was the inspiration the song "Life in A Northern Town" by Dream Academy in 1985 (yet another case of something I didn't know), and for much of the more recently dead John Martyn's stuff - you may notice the similarity in tonal/slurring vocals and the repetitive guitar riffs (Nick played like "a machine" said the producer of Bryter Layter) in my previous post about JM; his song Solid Air was written for/about ND even though this is not mentioned in the Drake Wiki.
You've been taking your time,
And you've been living on solid air
You've been walking the line,
And you've been living on solid air
Don't know what's going 'round inside
And I can tell you that it's hard to hide
When you're living on solid air
You've been painting the blues
And you've been looking through solid air
You've been seeing it through
And you've been looking through solid air
Don't know what's going 'round in your mind
And I can tell you don't like what you find
When you're moving through solid air
I know you, I love you
And I can be your friend, I can follow you anywhere
Even through solid air
New Books and ARCs, 1/17/24
Temperatures are about to drop all across North America, so what better
time to peruse a stack of new book and ARCs! What here would you like to
snuggle up...
18 hours ago
Life in a Northern Town....and a heads up on George Steiner. Quelle blog allors!
beautiful things, sugar... xoxo
(a musical weekend everywhere)
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