Hey, we paid a bit extra and sat through it Gold Class, but I enjoyed Terminator Salvation after a few beers. Others may have missed bits as you can't pause for a toilet break at the movies! - but bladder of iron E@L managed it all the way through!
Dude, the special effects were great. It's a wonder no-one got hurt when that big robot grabbed them! Almost like it wasn't real.
Terrific also of Sam Worthington to take that hole in the head just for the movie!
It had everything, including "the nod (slow)", the "tedious and unnecessary (in the world of the movie) explanatory sequence", and "the incredibly fast-paced action-edits grinding to a cervical spine whip-lashing halt for the last 5-10 minutes of treacle paced schmaltz", a la LOTR, Gladiator, and just about everything since but no excluding Battleship Potemkin...
This is why I love the ending of the Director's Cut of BladeRunner, also with its "nod (slow)", but NO TREACLE PACING!
Having said all that, I mindlessly enjoyed T4 tonight until... hang on, no-one went back in time to rescue Saruh Connuh!! WTF? NOOooooo, don't tell me...
They'll be back!!!
The whole grandfather paradox (My picture is fading! Doc! Doc!) thing *starts* to make less and less sense the further you stretch the time-travel premise.
OK, I'll stop trying to be logical at this point...
Get to the choppppuuuuuuhhhhhhhh... (private Predator-reference joke.)
Some Photos From the JoCo Cruise Opening Concert
Because I thought you might like to see them, and I just remembered, a few
minutes before midnight, that I hadn’t posted anything today: Paul and
Storm loo...
1 hour ago
i've decided that movies are for FUN. i will no longer invest my time in anything that doesn't entertain me. now, documentaries are a totally different thing. . .
(it's time for "hunt for red october")
HFRO - a HK journo friend interviewed Sam Neill the other day...
I love movies, but some things about the short time frame annoy me. All the money they spent on those blockbusters, for 100mins? Of course sometimes 100mins is WAY too long...
Capt. Vasili Borodin: I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?
Jack Ryan: No, the Patriot Act doesn't let you do that.
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