Embedded Photography at The Old Mill in Palnackie
Edward and Lucy Campbell at *The Old Mill in Palnackie* are not only
artists - they also create all their own paints, inks, pastels and pigments
from loc...
13 hours ago
they did a separate post on literacy vs religiosity a while back that was absolutely hilarious. can't find it now. seen it?
Got this from Izzy I think,so haven't exactly trawled the site... Let us know if you find it!
It's at the end of the "Stuff White People Like" post
Tom: that's where I got this graphic from. But is there another?
Oh. Maybe not then. They re-published this graph at the end of their latest post, so that's where I thought you'd taken it from. Factoid snippet: if somebody on OKCupid is OK with bad spelling and grammar, then the odds of him/her being at least moderately religous are slightly better than two to one.
As they say, compared to intelligent design, what's a couple of typos?
A) its not desgined and B) i'ts not interligant.
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