“You’re Going Where?!!?!?”
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is
always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give
you treats...
2 days ago
MacDee!! ;p. Seriously I dont remember a dog in Macbeth.
One sells bootleg liquor. The other sells, um, 4D whatsits.
The top one is obviously Somerset Maugham. The other one could be a younger version of that bloke in Li'l Abner.
y'all didn't have a hat on in the second photo and y'all had shaved, too! ;~D xoxoxoxo
In one picture the suit fits!
One picture shows the world's reigning pocket billiard champion the other a man who doesn't know to separate his coloureds from his whites.
'name of the Macbeth family's dog'
1. Double-breasted vest
2. 40kg
3. yes Sav, hat
4. Sav again, clean shaven
5. Dan, linen pants and linen jacket obviously different batches.
6. $39 shoes vs $250 shoes.
7. trousers with wrinkles as opposed to trousers with cuffs and pleats
8. is a that a blue shirt? v 'cream' shirt
9. one has his tie straight
10. hand positions
11. stupid magnetic bracelet bought because one had $280 of vouchers and there nothing vaguely desirable in the Singapore Airlines on -board duty free.
12. One is the handsomest leading man of generation and the other seems to have left his under-eye bags on the carousel... (a.k.a. obvious plastic surgery. Why are people so vain? What a waste of time. Don't they know they're all going to die eventually, rot in graves and be eaten by worms? Not me, but. Not until Burnham Wood doth come to Dunsinane)
Speaking of the Scottish play: the answer to yesterday's bonus question - the clue was in the comma:
Act 5, Scene 1:
LADY MACBETH (kicketh she her dog up the arras for the mutt done shitteth upon the Dunsinane rugs)
Out, damned Spot! out, I say!
The bottom appears to be Jay Gatsby.
The top one is clearly Boss Hogg from The Dukes Of Hazzard.
Knobster: just don't be late for the quiz tonight!
Shiori: you're not the first person to say that! Drops shoulders in embarrassment...
One of them obviously takes himself more seriously than he should.
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