E@L has been tagged for the "latest" (hopefully the last) 10 question blog meme, one that has been slightly twisted by the precious and well-meaning Savannah, viz: "the latest meme in blogville. the twist is that after i answer her [very good] questions, i get to ask 10 NEW questions and tag another set of bloggers!"
OK, looks out the window at the approaching storm, the bolts of lightning over Sentosa, checks his blank calendar, he's bored - he'll do it.
Her question to me -
1. is there one book that you reread with some sort of regularity? (every 2 years, once a decade sort of thing) and if so, why?
There have been several over the years. The most re-read would have to be "The Crying Of Lot 49". I find it hilarious and conspiracy-theory spooky at the same time. Pynchon used to have an awesome imagination. These days I am overwhelmed with the books I haven't read (including a couple of Pynchon's).
2. do you still watch cartoons? and if so, which ones and why those in particular?
3. what's the one thing you can't imagine living without on a daily basis?
Prescription painkillers. Don't panic, I'm not a stoner. They're anti-epilepsy drugs which work to numb (or attempt to) my peripheral neuropathy.
4. take out/take away or home cooking more than three times a week?
No take away worth a damn in Singapore. It's a different culture for food here. When I'm home I cook or make a salad once or twice. Mainly I eat in restaurants as I'm traveling or socialising..
5. which is your most favorite room in your home?
My large bedroom/office. King size bed large desk and still room for a big bookshelf. Awesome, checked out 20 apartments before I came back to this one, which was the first I had viewed.
6. are you currently following/regularly watching a tv series? which one and why?
Waiting for Trueblood Series 3. Izzy liked to look the tall Swedish guy. I like the intro music.
7. have you seen the player?
The movie? Yes. The Aussie actress, Greta Scacchi, my god how gorgeous! I was in lust with her! Or do you mean Gary Ablett (Snr & Jnr), the world's [a.k.a Australia's] best Aussie rules players ever? Both of them, father and son - amazing dynasty. Yes. No sexual feelings for either though.
8. other than your blog, do you keep a personal journal?
No. Should do, but don't.
9. do you have a favorite movie quote that you routinely use?
If someone is putting someone else down, I automatically say, "Speaks very highly of you," with Gabriel Byrne's accent(!), from Miller's Crossing. I can't stop myself. And it stops them, often.
10. will you tag 6 bloggers or will you leave this open ended and accept answers in comments?
If I can find six bloggers. Let alone those who are scared off by memes such as this.
MY questions to you -
1. Who was your 3rd grade teacher and were you in love with her? (Lesbian lust is OK, in fact even better.)
2. Is yours an examined life? If yes, did you find anything interesting?
3. How high is the tallest mountain you have climbed, skied down, or tripped over (question for Singaporeans)?
4. Speaking of storms, do you know, or DID you know, anyone who has been struck by lightning? Or indeed, by lighting?
5. What do you like most about your job/studies/unemployment cheques?
6. Men: are you Miles or Jack? Women: are you Maya or Stephanie, Jack's fiancee or Miles' ex-wife? (You haven't seen Sideways? Why am I even talking to you?)
7. Would you rather write best-selling pulp genre fiction, or an art-house novel that confirms your towering genius but that not even your most sympathetic friends would read, except MAYBE under threat of torture? Trick question, eh what?
8. Have you ever been on a cruise? On a ship I mean, not wearing leather and trying to pick up Mr Goodbar. If yes, did you fall in love on it, the cruise?
9. Other than "I think, therefore I am", can you quote a major philosopher NOW? Without having to look one up? (Descartes doesn't count, he was a mathematician.) Please share your quote, if you have one. (I'm thinking, this is a wasted question.)
10. Do you pay for an online newspaper? If so, which one? (If you are about to say The Straits Times, please leave this blog immediately.)
I tag the following poor suckers ---
Skippy Sorry, dude I know you're busy.
MercerMachine I know you're NOT busy.
LoveForHeels Hah!
Izzy Delayed punishment for the carpet.
Dick Headley Thought you had escaped this, eh?
Valkyrie Who else do I know? You're it!
I am sorry to annoy you guys with this.
So now, after answering MY questions, (on YOUR blog and in MY comments section) you can make up 10 questions of your own and...
You get the rest of the drill - if you guys and gals "know" 6 (or as many as you can) bloggers who might not balk at this exercise, and Christ knows it was tough for me, pass it on.
Or not.
“You’re Going Where?!!?!?”
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is
always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give
you treats...
2 days ago
see? that wasn't so difficult, sugar! i am glad y'all decided to play along. i hope every y'all tagged plays, too. i have to watch miller's crossing again! xoxoxoxo
(and yes, i'd read y'all's art house book!)
My favourite character to watch was Lafayette actually.... :P
Yes, we all love Lafayette. I was just hanging around to see the preacher's wife's tits.
Mission accomplished.
Not tagged but because we were insufferable quislings together...
1. Who was your 3rd grade teacher and were you in love with her? (Lesbian lust is OK, in fact even better.)
You don't know her and yes, I was in like with her. Her son was in the grade above me in the same school, therefore only like not love. Felt icky even when I was 8.
2. Is yours an examined life? If yes, did you find anything interesting?
It's been examined but I wasn't the one doing the examining.
3. How high is the tallest mountain you have climbed, skied down, or tripped over (question for Singaporeans)?
4700 metres above sea level, give or take. But see, I actually walked up there. I wasn't driven and I didn't take a ski-lift!
4. Speaking of storms, do you know, or DID you know, anyone who has been struck by lightning? Or indeed, by lighting?
Were you speaking of storms?
5. What do you like most about your job/studies/unemployment cheques?
Being given an essentially free hand to do whatever needs to be done.
6. Men: are you Miles or Jack? Women: are you Maya or Stephanie, Jack's fiancee or Miles' ex-wife? (You haven't seen Sideways? Why am I even talking to you?)
No, I am not Miles or Jack.
7. Would you rather write best-selling pulp genre fiction, or an art-house novel that confirms your towering genius but that not even your most sympathetic friends would read, except MAYBE under threat of torture? Trick question, eh what?
Door #1. Yes, fame-whore.
8. Have you ever been on a cruise? On a ship I mean, not wearing leather and trying to pick up Mr Goodbar. If yes, did you fall in love on it, the cruise?
9. Other than "I think, therefore I am", can you quote a major philosopher NOW? Without having to look one up? (Descartes doesn't count, he was a mathematician.) Please share your quote, if you have one. (I'm thinking, this is a wasted question.)
That depends on how you define "philosopher". For example, Einstein once said, "I cannot believe God plays dice with the universe." He's "major" but is he a "philosopher"?
10. Do you pay for an online newspaper? If so, which one? (If you are about to say The Straits Times, please leave this blog immediately.)
Pay? Online? Got such thing one, meh?
Knob: you weren't tagged because you don't blog anymore!
@dh...please play, sugar! ;~D xoxoxoxo
Not feeling very playful at the moment marshmallow...sorry...just about blogged out.
@dh...ok, i do know that feeling, sugar! be well. xoxoxoxo
Thanks eh! *frown*
> Knob: you weren't tagged because you don't blog anymore!
yeah, i know, but i thought i'd play anyway.
1.Who was your 3rd grade teacher and were you in love with her? (Lesbian lust is OK, in fact even better.)
I don't remember her name, but she was large, doughy-faced and florid, and when I asked her a question about fractions she said "Well Michael, if you don't understand, I'm not going to explain it to you." So yeah, no, no love lost there. Now my first grade teacher was Mrs Appleby, and her I adored.
2. Is yours an examined life? If yes, did you find anything interesting?
Yes. I discovered that, while the unexamined life is not worth living, the overly-examined life is well-nigh unliveable.
3. How high is the tallest mountain you have climbed, skied down, or tripped over (question for Singaporeans)?
Pike's Peak, Colorado. 14,115 ft (4302 m). But we drove most of the way. Hey, I was with my grandma.
4. Speaking of storms, do you know, or DID you know, anyone who has been struck by lightning? Or indeed, by lighting?
No, but I knew a guy who was working on a house and got electrocuted. Blew out the soles of his feet. His personality totally changed; eventually his wife divorced him. I always saw him sort of struggling to connect with people after that. Pretty sad. I remember we were sitting at a diner (I was maybe twelve, he was nearly thirty) and I started to comb my hair, and he said 'don't do that at the table'. I asked him why not (for once being curious, not a smartass) and instead of explaining, he just started pointing at things- the syrup dispenser, his plate of eggs. A year before he would just have said 'because your hair can get in people's food' and I would not have paid him any mind.
5. What do you like most about your job/studies/unemployment cheques?
The money.
6. Men: are you Miles or Jack? Women: are you Maya or Stephanie, Jack's fiancee or Miles' ex-wife? (You haven't seen Sideways? Why am I even talking to you?)
I refuse to watch it until I am officially middle aged.
7. Would you rather write best-selling pulp genre fiction, or an art-house novel that confirms your towering genius but that not even your most sympathetic friends would read, except MAYBE under threat of torture? Trick question, eh what?
8. Have you ever been on a cruise? On a ship I mean, not wearing leather and trying to pick up Mr Goodbar. If yes, did you fall in love on it, the cruise?
9. Other than "I think, therefore I am", can you quote a major philosopher NOW? Without having to look one up? (Descartes doesn't count, he was a mathematician.) Please share your quote, if you have one. (I'm thinking, this is a wasted question.)
Aristotle- 'A friend to all is a friend to none.'
10. Do you pay for an online newspaper? If so, which one? (If you are about to say The Straits Times, please leave this blog immediately.)
No. I don't pay for online anything; just for getting online.
Hmmm! My answers are going to be very boring...
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