-- the often elipsed last verse of Mac The Knife
Denn die einen sind im Dunkeln
Und die andern sind im Licht
Und man siehet die im Lichte
Die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht
English translation:
There are some who are in darkness
And the others are in light
And you see the ones in brightness
Those in darkness drop from sight
(from Mystic Bourgeoisie)
On a related note, Danny Boyle's new movie Slumdog Millionaire seems to want to put forward the rosy side of having to shit on the street along with 750 million others.
funny how the format affects the content...not complaining...just another pointless observation/way of saying hi.
Thanks: a bit, um, ambiguous there Mr Dickley. The content is now shittier, or better? It certainly is of a lower frequency, but that's a time issue - I've been partying a lot, as well as traveling and, on the odd occasion, working.
I'd like to say something about writing my novel, but that would be a lie.
Ah, yet another internet misunderstanding in the making. I intended no criticism favourable or otherwise...just an observation. It seems to me your blog has become more accessible since the switch to blogger, less remote, more like one of the lads so to speak...it's something to do with the format.
Yes, the Blooger template is working for nicely thanks. Only about 50% down on hits. I like to think of it as a filter, sluicing out the rough diamonds, or somesuch mixed metaphor [a metaphor is like an analogy, they tell me] which means nothing.
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