
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Graphographer

I write. I write that I am writing. Mentally I see myself writing that I am writing and I can also see myself writing seeing that I am writing. And I see myself remembering that I see myself writing and I remember seeing myself remembering that I was writing and I write seeing myself write that I remember having seeing myself write that I saw myself writing that I was writing and that I was writing that I was writing that I was writing. I can also imagine myself writing that I had already written that I would imagine myself writing that I had written that I was imagining myself writing that I see myself writing that I am writing.
(Vargas Llosa, 1977: epigraph of 'Aunt Julia And The Scriptwriter', attributed to Salvador Elizondo’s The Graphographer).

My favorite.


I should be writing more. I imagine myself writing more. That's about it.



DanPloy said...

Contrary to perceived wisdom I do not believe reading stimulates writing.

However I do believe reading gives you lots more excuses for not writing.

savannah said...

i want to walk away from fb, but it's really the only way i can keep up with you, sugar! and where is dh? anyway, keep writing, i keep reading and sometimes, i even update my blog! xoxoxox

DanPloy said...

Do it Savannah. I left about six months ago and I feel more pure; a kind of purity that can usually only be brought about through self flagellation.

If no-one reads E@L on Facebook then he will be forced to write here more. Everyone's a winner.

dibabear said...

@Sav...I'm weening myself from FB. Looking forward to the pure feeling Dan advertises. Didn't know that E@L wrote there.

expat@large said...

Dan - so true about the non-link between reading and writing.
Sav: walk to G+... joking!!!!
Dib: brain farts only. These release the pressure of my frustrations actually, hence I don't post often enough here. I treat it more like twitter, which annoys the fuck out of my "friends" and amuses my friends.

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