"Look at the creep with the tattoos. What is he, Russian Mafia?"
"She's going to go with him if I don't make a move. Get your hands of her tits you arsehole."
"Don't tell me, tell him! Make your move for Christ's sake. I want to finish this beer and go back and see if Plan B is still there."
"The chubby Burmese? You like her?"
"She has a cute face."
"Whatever. I'm getting to know too much about you. Here she comes. Shut the fuck up now."
"Just pay the bar-fine, she has to go with you."
"You think I should? She's gorgeous. But, you know, will I respect myself in the morning?"
"I won't respect you if you don't take her, isn't that enough? Pay the bar-fine! Rescue her from the evil Russian white slaver. It's the moral thing to do."
"Hmm. I can feel a categorical imperative rising in my trousers."
"Do your duty, Superman. To deny your will to power is to deny yourself."
"Thanks Nietzche."
"Go you stupid Kant. Take the woman home!"

I sure could use a moral imperative blow job.
I am sure one is immanent. Imminently.
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