“You’re Going Where?!!?!?”
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is
always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give
you treats...
2 days ago
The lighting leaves something to be desired. The link was useful though. I got to watch 'Wash Yo Ass' and 'Jizz In My Pants'.
Dick: I bet it smells like teen spirit on *your* knob, you wild and crazy adventure guy!
As for me, there was no way I was going to click on that crap. Seriously, no. Really, I didn't. Not a once. Nope.
Wish the lead guitarist would tune his freaking guitar. It's about half a tone out.
No fuckin’ way, get out of here.
Jesus that is painful.
One could have know by the long guitar introduction. You know it is ok to do something thick to get Youtube hits, but I don't think it pays to be thick. (or maybe it does, I don’t know anymore, confused)
Thanks Phil, I will never get back those 3 minutes of my life. I kept expecting a climax and nothing happened.
Alan: confused, dazed...
Bludge: just bad song construction, no verse, no bridge, it's just the chorus repeated...
The Delete button can be handy sometimes!! Maybe now is the appropriate time...
Paula: the "newer post" and "older post" button are also useful if there's something you don't approve of on one.
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