Spam comments are getting through the word verification! WTF?
The last three comments have been spam... Anyone have any ideas?
If some spam bastard generator answers this comment I'm gonna scream.
“You’re Going Where?!!?!?”
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is
always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give
you treats...
2 days ago
Move back to Wordpress & Akismet, mate. It's better blogging software anyway.
Oddly enough I had spam fritters a few days ago. Don't think it caused your problems though.
it's a mystery! xoxoxox
Spam. . .em not good, fritters with Heinz oh yes. (sorry having a food moment. . .lol)
Its the take away leaflets that drive me mad. Im installing a front door without a letter box. They can return to sender. . . ;-p lol
Spam and eggs! SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM,baked beans and SPAM.
SPAM is an underratted delicacy.
It's got less SPAM in it!
Spam problems? Results-oriented professional with strong presentation skills will cut your uncalled for comments using bottom-line orientation logistic solutions offsite yield product lineup cost savings and reduced customer-complaint resolution.
@dh..what are y'all smoking, sugar and can i have some? xoxoxo
It's based on something I saw on yahoo....things not to say at a job interview or something.
Disaster - the shop were sold out of spam fritters when I went to buy some more.
It was spam & beans with plenty of brown sauce.
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