Laze and germs, in honour of Australia Day here's Iva Davies and Icehouse (1982 originally)...
"Standing at the limit of an endless ocean...
Hidden in the summer for a million years
Great southern land"
Speaking of goannas... Here's the Goanna Band (also from 1982, with a slightly different message)
"They were standing on the shores one day
Saw the white sails in the sun.
Wasn't long before they felt the sting
Of white man, white law, white gun..."
I wanted to put in Midnight Oil, but they won't let me embed it, the bastards!
Bed's Are Burning
The day after Australia Day (i.e. January 27th) was the best for the first fleeters: the female convicts ships arrived. According to Robert Hughes' Fatal Shore, there was a joyous orgy of massive proportions.
The joy didn't last long however.
My son's genealogy takes him back to the First Fleet, via the female side. And now his girlfriend just received Australian citizenship today! One of the first and one of the latest! Congrats to Margot! Canadian AND Australian - it doesn't get any better than that!
Happy Aussie Day buddy :-)
I had to walk (almost) all the way home last night since getting a cab was a PITA. Luckily this good looking sort pulled over and offered me a lift home ;-)
Was a great night, but who's idea was it to start drinking at 5pm? Stumbled into a taxi at 11:30 still humming Aussie songs from the 80's.
Anyone want some leftover biryani? It's great biryani! Why biryani? The Aussie backpacker pub we went to, the Prince Of Wales, is smack dab in the middle of Little India.
I meant "whose" (I maintain it was a tpyo!)
Australia Day 2010, I woke in the tent to the sound of the breakers rolling in over the dunes. Eventually after listening for a while, we got up and cooked pancakes. Pulled on our board shorts and rash vest, then wandered up the path and jogged out in the surf for a swim. Reluctantly making my way back in to shore while looking up and the cloud clearing from the summit of Mt Oberon the great southern land seemed like the perfect place to be.
After that another swim at Squeaky Beach, the water may have already been spanner cold, but it was clean, clear, and the first time my daughter had been able to delight, just in the sound her little feet made while running down to the waves.
Ironically the beer I had with my Steak BBQ on arriving home last night was a Tiger.
Sounds pretty special.
I did my emails and, working from home, lay by the pool, snoozing in the blistering sun for a while.
Later, we got pissed on James Boag.
What no cane toads?
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