So I shaved my goatee off, left myself with just a moustache and an anti-moustache on the lower lip, going for the 70's pornstar look.
Flatmate Izzy came home last night and sat down on the couch to chat. I had just shaved off my goatee but she didn't say anything. That's right. She looked at me for a second trying not to feel uncomfortable, then she looked away, and then I had to TELL her I had shaved and then she leaped into the air screaming in laughter, realizing what it was that was freaking her out...
Same thing happened at work last time.
So, OK, photo taken to show you all but there is no flash-card reader on the iMac where I am drafting this blog post, and therefore I have to drag out the Net-book.
Mmm. No picture editing software on the Net-book.
So, OK, I download Picasa and BIGTIME Whoopsie! It fucking takes over! I had my work HDD coincidentally plugged in and Picasa immediately started to read every images and video from work going back 10 years and it wouldn't fucking stop!
Finally I manage to calm it down (by unplugging the HHD, probably corrupting every file on it), but by then I remembered ANOTHER reason that I don't use Picasa is that it doesn't allow me to resize my photos before I upload them! Shit!
Ah, but that was back when I wasn't using Blogger, right? Now that I am, I can upload them to PicasaWeb which allows me to be tethered to yet another non-evil(TM) Google product and to specify a file size when I upload.
Righty-o, done. Close the Netbook, come back to the iMac and then I simply...
Then I simply...
Then I simply...
OK, so it seems to be impossible to get a Picasa-Web image across to Blogger, though the other way around sounds feasible, if unhelpful. I should have clicked "Blog This" (did I see this option? Yes, but that was before I knew that I could adjust the size of the upload) while I was running Picasa on the Net-book.
So what do I do? Use the Link or the Embed tools on Picasa Web? No, because Link doesn't work and Embed only puts in a thumbnail. Download the picture from Picasa and re-upload it?
You guessed right. Sigh.
OK, so here's me nekkid chin. Weak, quivering, doubled, slight dimple there I notice when the light is right (since fucking when did that appear?) and no-one is allowed to say the words "Ron Jeremy", OK?

I didn't get around to setting up a charity account myself, but please feel obligated to donate to my buddy's Steve's Movember Fundraiser Team in Australia. Steve just recently had a radical prostatectomy. He is 48.
Do the right thing.
p.s. Comment from Izzy this afternoon - "You look better WITH the goatee." Well, like HELLO! Sigh.
i miss the goatee, but the soul patch is rather cool, sugar! xoxox
p.s. i blog from my macbook and never have a problem uploading phots, but that isn't what y'all are talking about really is it?
YOU miss it? I feel that I look like Bristow, the English cartoon character...
It's on the way back, don't you fear.
Ron Jeremy.
P.S.- Smoot wants to know if it's Adopt-A-Chin week.
Sav: I'd been letting that 'soul-patch' grow on its own of late to see what would happen - it gets to about 2inches and then stops!!
MM: aahhh, the Porcupine of Porn!
And no it is not adopt-a-chin week. It is massage-a-prostate month.
I'd make the mandatory "more Chins than a Chinese phone book" remark but I just looked in the mirror.
Some folks look better with beards, goatees, 'stashes. Me? I look like one of those guys ducking out of a porn shop when I grow a beard.
Diba: I blame gravity. It sucks.
So only guys with beards go into porn shops in your part of the world?
Izzy's take on it - here.
Uh, I don't get it. But, hey, that's groovy. Hope you can join us. God bless.
If you don't get it BE, what there is to get, then WTF are you doing here - or anywhere rationally irrational for that matter...
Have you considered atheism as cure for whatever it is ailing you? Lift a weight from your shoulders dude.
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