Shake face.
Method: Relax the muscles of your face and shake your head as fast and wide as you can... Point camera and shoot with high shutter speed...
That second one of me looks like Tricky Dicky saying "I am not a crook."
(Christ ormighty, what jowls!)
OK, I've finished packing for a week at Boracay! I'm ready to relax and write my novel by the beach. Or read the five (Benjamin Black [not PD James!], more Kavan, Tolstoy's long short stories) I've brought with me. Or watch Season 4 of BSG. Or have a few cheap beers. Or go snorkeling. Or find a nice local lady and all the above before it's already time to come home...
Enjoy the beach! We might be heading to Bohol or Palawan later this year. TBD.
The Benjamin Black novels are great.
Jay: shall do!
H-G: I think Mr Banville might have lost his way in his non-genre fiction. Plus I bet he is making more money out of these.
Cool Pics.
Ah, decisions decisions, PD James- my type of reading.
I read 'The Book of Evidence' by John Banville many years ago and I was thoroughly underwhelmed by it. All I suspected was that he was clever, was probably saying something important but it bwas beyond me. I think thrillers allow writers to explore emotions and situations in a more tangible manner whether it is racism, ignorance, the attitudes and morality of the time.
Maybe this explains why I think most modern art stinks.
didn't y'all learn anything from me, sugar? drunk picture taking is a no-no! (but it does make for a great blog post!) xoxoxo have a grand vacation, darlin! ;)
(i should send you some p.d.james on tape!)
Those first two make you look so much younger. I've got a Kavan book to read...Asylum Piece. I'll let you know what I think.
Majorly hungover here guys, apologies if the following comments have huge ellipses or are just plain stupid...
MomMad: brought along a Jack Vance (Lyonesse) that was pushed upon me. Already (p5) I hate it. The two P.D. James novels I started had the same effect on me.
H-G: I agree, every novel has to have a murder mystery in it. (Yet I don't like PDJ.) Religion, sex, murder, swearing, class - '"Oh fuck" said the vicar, "who killed my naked cleaning lady?"'
Sav: pics went up about the same time as yours I think. Too late for bad examples to sink in.
DH: that's her first as "Anna Kavan" I think. She's trying to write like Kafka at that stage. Yes, photos... Did not actually get No1 Son's permission to put them up... Enjoy until the copyright lawyers find me.
after everyone sobered up, i was asked to remove those damn photos! and then they said please xoxox
SavL LOL. Copyright lawyers have not caught me yet.
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