Roast spuds.
This is pretty much how I did them. I sprinkled some flour over the spuds before bashing them around a bit (a la Nigella) - makes for more things to get crusty. I used duck fat.
“You’re Going Where?!!?!?”
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is
always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give
you treats...
2 days ago
I think the French say you should never pre-boil the potatoes; roast potatoes should only be done in the oven.
But I do exactly as you have done, except no flour but I dust a little smoked paprika over them before roasting.
What was the event anyway?
nice! very nice, sugarpie! i'm a lazy cook, i just roast them in the oven without pre-boiling. xoxo
oooh thankew. THANK YOU.
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