New posts however will be right here on Blogger. Who the fuck am I kidding, that I can program or something?
Some of what I've been doing since last we spoke...
These are some random shots of what's growing in the garden today. It
always surprises me how bleak the rose bushes look in the winter and how in
a ...
7 hours ago
now that you're here, could you pleeeeaaasssseeeee enable full content in your rss feed?
Spike is so picky about stuff like that :-)
Ah there you are. Painless move I trust? Give me some time to make a few mental adjustments and it will be just like old times.
About time, dude. I've been using Blogger for years, and it's an excellent free service, plus commenting is very straightforward.
Pink on a blue background doesn't work, so find another color.
No need for Word Verification, unless you start getting tons of spam. I just go the approval route..
but welcome.
Indy: indeed
Dick: you and me both with the mental adjustments.
Carl: welcome back! the colours at this point are pretty much the default, so hey! talk to to the Blogger dudes man! ;-)
It's fairly easy to customize your new blog, including colors. The pinkie default doesn't work.
Have a look at my blog for some suggestions for fun stuff to put on your sidebar.
I'm back since you've changed over to Blogger and it will now be much easier to comment. Plus your RSS feed is working well, and I can read complete entries (thanks to Spike).
The only difficulty I had was creating the Blogroll on the right side, but that was in the old days when HTML was necessary. I think they have automated that process.
I'll probably be making more comments now that you've made this change.
Get rid of the Word Verification.
Whatever happened to Madame Chiang?
Mdme Chiang has moved (physically) to Bali now: she may not be blogging for a while due to work committments.
I used to get a lot robot spam on the old blog hence the default verification thing.
Please can you change the light text on dark background - it's shit to read. Good to see you've used the pop-up comments.
HKMacs: I hope to get the thing looking closer and closer to the old blog - problem is, if I host it on my old server (which I may as well as I am paying for it!) I have to use a classic template.
bless your heart! good to see you here, sugar! xoxo
and now i've changed my blogroll, too
interesting to go into the future ... somehow your date is set to Wednesday April 22 2009...
anything you can predict from there viz a viz the markets?
Sav: good onya, but eh, latest comments stuff, one that works?
Gweipo: I think the Quote from Richard Motteram on my sidebar pretty much sums it up re: the future, the present and um, viz a viz, a good deal of the past as well.
Gweipo: I've no idea how I did that with the date, it was a coupla years ago. Now I've gotta reset it...
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