As a response to Dick's link of the other day...
Enjoy your breakfast.
The Food, Inc documentary is a mix of Fast Food Nation (read) and The Omnivore's Dilemma (on the shelf but not read).
p.s. Blogger's new enhanced super-sized editor is screwing around with my copied and pasted links... Anyone else having this issue?
About bespoke
I got into a polite exchange of views a couple of days back over an
otherwise unexceptional story about, of all things, expensive mince pies.
Or, more sp...
15 hours ago
anyone else? who else still blogs?
So what did you put in your mouth this morning?
Knobby: no-one I know except Sav and Dick.
Anthony: organic toast and free range peanut butter.
How are peanuts free-range? Since they don't actually move around to feed, what with being a plant an all. And more to the point, isn't all food technically Organic if one goes by the definition of the once living?
You tell me.
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